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Welcome to the recent additions / updates page - in March 2025
Message 28 February 2025: This week's update features 15 new treasure descriptions (and 14 updated ones!) of Jeny's videos or photosets, and no new review! You can find our newest additions in the box "Forty most recently added or updated treasures" below, and there is also a box with the ten most recent reviews, always "newest first". If you are interested in newly published videos of Jeny (two of them in the last week), you'll find it in "Recently -> Videos of current year", and her most recent photosets (none of them in the last week) in "Recently -> Photosets of current year", also always "newest first". We plan to update this site every Friday afternoon (CET) again.
You can contact the Web site admin, the site owner (Andre The Scientist) and all the authors and reviewers by email. All of our email addresses have the form
On the Jeny Smith Treasure Map (JSTM), we provide information about the videos, photosets and selected blogposts published on the official website of Jeny Smith (jenysmith (dot) net).
All the videos and photosets in Jeny's archive on Jeny's site are called "treasures" here. In the "Treasures" menu on JSTM, we aim at providing information about the nearly 1000 treasures in Jeny's archive. The provided information is some metadata like length of videos, number of images in a photoset, as well as publication dates of both videos and photosets, one or two signature screenshots from videos or photos from photosets, and several links to related treasures, to reviews, and to the full videos or full photosets on Jeny's site.
The copyright of all the photos, screenshots and teaser videos belongs to Jeny Smith (jenysmith (dot) net). The copyright of all the review texts are belonging to the respective reviewer. Subject to these strong conditions, you can use all information on JSTM for your private use, you can even download the reviews as a pdf-file in your personal archive. You can also provide links to this site, even deep links to a treasure description or a review on this site. But please respect the copyright and you must not distribute images, videos and documents. Instead, you are permitted to give links to the sources on JSTM or on jenysmith (dot) net and the copyright owners!
This "readme" text includes some information and hints, how the "Jeny Smith Treasure Map" (JSTM) is structured, what it's aims are, how to use different search features, and where to find videos, photosets, and reviews. For more details, we have additional subpages that you can find in the right sidebar. And the right sidebar is a good cue! Are you using a smartphone or tablet in portrait mode? Then read the next section here.
Using JSTM on Smartphones or Tablets in portrait mode
This website is originally designed for screens that are significantly wider than high, so for landscape screens and not portrait ones. Besides the main content area (the left two thirds), there is a sidebar to the right. This sidebar is for submenus, portrait photos of Jeny, and some lists of most recent treasures and reviews. On Smartphones, this right sidebar is missing, and it is stacked under the main content area. So if you are advised to go to the right side bar, you have to scroll down on Smartphones. And as usual, the horizontal main menu of JSTM, you see in the deep blue area on top of each page is shown after pushing the button with the three horizontal bars.
Aims of this JSTM site
JSTM is an add-on to the official site of Jeny Smith (jenysmith (dot) net) which we call "Jeny's site" in the following. It does not provide any (copies of) videos, photosets or blogposts as well as subscriber's comments and Jeny's replies, but JSTM has only two main aims:
to provide a “table of contents” for the more than 1000 videos and photosets, that we call “Treasures” in the following - you can find this table of contents in the "Treasures" menu - and
to provide a home for all kinds of reviews describing or even advertising these treasures, often “hidden” treasures not known to newer subscribers or forgotten by long-time followers.
The table of contents will not only be “navigational”, going through menus and submenus, but will also have search functions based on tags, search functions based on keywords in the title of the treasure ("title filter"), or even full text search on the complete site, including the review texts.
The target groups of JSTM are
the subscribers on Jeny's site who often do not remember or often do not find older videos or photosets on Jeny's site (JSTM provides a direct deep link to the full video or complete photoset on Jeny's site, in every treasure description, and in every review)
new subscribers on Jeny's site, who detect and watch the videos and photosets just published on Jeny's site, but are often surprised when they notice that there are not only "about 60" videos to find in the archive, but more than 650 videos and more than 350 photosets,
and non-subscribers interested in outstanding female beauty, who want to learn about Jeny Smith and her videos and photosets - and we hope that it should be itching in their fingers to join us on Jeny's site, because they "smell the sausage" reading the reviews here, bot are not able to "bite" in it!
How to find videos or photosets?
You can go to the "Treasures" menu: if you know any words in the title of the treasure you are looking for, please use the "title filter" on top of the tabular list of all treasures. Or you can use the submenus "per year" (second level) or "video per year" / "photoset per year" (third level) to browse through a restricted set of treasures. More details on the "Treasures" menu and the many links we provide can be found here: Readme Treasures Submenu.
You can go to the "Treasure hunt" menu: there you can do a search for the tags of videos and photosets. You can see tags attached to each of the videos and photosets, they are presented in these little blue boxes. All these tags in boxes are "clickable". Or you can use the full text search looking for arbitrary words occuring in video / photoset descriptions or reviews. More details on the "Treasure hunt" menu can be found here: Readme Treasure Hunt Submenu.
Or you can go to the "Treasure paths" menu, when you are looking for complete series of videos like the famous "Pychologist" or "Massage" series. And you can find collections of videos, that have a specific topic, season or location in common. More details on the "Treasure paths" menu can be found here: Readme Treasure Paths Submenu.
Homepage (startpage) and general structure of pages on JSTM
Each page consists of a header (the landscape shaped image with Jeny and her lilac bouqet, mentioning the name of the website), the horizontal main menu below. The next horizontal line in grey is the “navigation path” (where am I?). In the right column (the "right sidebar"), there are additional “modules” like all submenus, images representing the subpage, or additional functions like search functions or short lists (the newest videos, the newest reviews).
The main component of the homepage is a short welcome text, some news about Jeny, the last and next JSTM updates and the classics of the month where we feature some of Jeny's "hidden treasures", some older videos or photosets.
In the "Treasures" submenu, you find the ”treasure map”, that is the table of contents for the more than 1000 treasures, oldest first. The "treasures" and the “reviews” are linked to each other in both directions: if you have navigated to one of the video or photoset descriptions, there is a link to the reviews available for this video. If you have found the review and read it, there is a link to the video description. Most important: in the video description and in the review, there are direct links to the video or photoset pages on Jeny’s site.
First level of the Treasures menu
The list of treasures here are presented in tabular form … and the long list is spread over many pages.
You can restrict the long list if you use the title filter on top of this list. What one can see above in the right sidebar: the submenus from level 2 to 3 are not in the horizontal main menu, but in this vertical column in the sidebar. The main navigation to the treasures will be year of publication (second level), then video or photoset (third level; for example: Videos 2022), then a list of short video descriptions of 2022 will follow. If you don’t know a year, but are only interested in videos (or photosets), you can select “All the videos” or “All the photosets”. In “Best of Blogposts”, we will list links to the most memorable and informative Blogposts, such as Jeny's “My story” or background information for some videos.
Second level of the Treasures menu
In the screenshot above, you see the second level, all treasures of 2022. This list is usually about 100 treasures long for each of the years (videos and photosets). You can click on the title to go to the description page. The “created date” is the date of publication due to the calendar on Jeny’s site. If you know some keywords in the title of the video, you can type them in the “title filter” and the long table will be reduced to the matching titles. As in each of the following tabular lists, you can choose how many entries in the table should be shown on one page (here: 30), the others will be on subsequent pages.
Third level of the Treasures menu
On the third and last level of the treasure menu, the layout will change from tables with only title and publication date to a two-column five-rows list of short video description previews including a photo (here a screenshot for “Videos 2018”). You see a teaser image, the category (video or photoset), and all the tags (the blue buttons, you can click on them to follow this tag).
The list will be usually about 60 entries long for videos (so 6 pages in this two-column five-rows format) and about 30 entries long for photosets (3 pages). Here you see the short version of the treasure descriptions, with most of the information you will also see on the full treasure description pages (see the following subsection) but with shortened introduction texts. And if you click on the title of the video or photoset, the following page will appear:
Last level: The Treasure description page
You see publication date of the video, tags, length in mm:ss (number of photos in case of photosets), corresponding media (a photoset in the above example), and the available reviews (in the example, there is one from Heather). Under “related media”, there is a link to the “Cologne” collection with all videos and photosets of Jeny's 2018 / 2019 visits in Germany.
What follows, is a teaser image (here: screenshot), a short description of the content in a few lines, and most important the direct link to this video on Jeny’s site.
Here you see all the reviews with date of publication on this web site, newest first. Again a title filter. You can mention “garage”, so keywords in the title of videos or photosets. You can search for “Iain” to get all of Iain’s reviews, or you go to the menu in the sidebar and select “Iain’s Reviews”.
We go now to the sidebar and click on “Jean-Jacques’ reviews”, the following page opens …
Jean-Jacques is writing three types of reviews, if you want to restrict to his imaginations only, you can select it in the subsubmenu. We go back one step and click on one of Iain’s reviews:
The category is reviews, the date is the date of publication of this review on this site, tags are year (of treasure to be reviewed), review and the initials of the reviewer. The tags for the year are 2021 (T) instead of 2021. 2021 (T) means: publication year of the “T”reasure, not publication year of the review. Then are following: our formatted pdf version of the review for download and the link to the video / photoset description page on this JSTM site. And here is the end of Iain’s review:
It ends as in our general layout, with a link to the full video on Jeny’s site. The link to the full video is presented in banner form, so more eye-catching ... but if you are too shy to press Jeny's butt 😉, you can use the text link given above the "clickable image" instead.
In the menu item “Recently”, there are tabular lists of the ten most recent videos and the ten most recent photosets on Jeny’s site, newest first. And there are tabular lists with the newset reviews and the newest additions or updates in the treasure menu, also always newest first.
In the submenu (first module in the right sidebar), you have access to short descriptions of videos of the current year, photosets of the current year, or some selected reviews.
This menu is quite preliminary and without introduction texts. We will do more on this until end of 2024.
In this menu, all the search functions are available: different possibilities to search for videos and photosets by an extensible tag systems and a tag cloud, searching for keywords in titles and full text search in all documents, so even in reviews. Up to now already working are:
Full text search
Here is the submenu for the full text search. If you are wondering why Jeny is calling her white cotton panty "Lilly" in one of her videos, then you can find the reason here searching for the word "Lilly" on JSTM:
Tag-based search
And here we selected the tag-based search and looked up all tags including “climax”. If you filter with "climax", you get two tags back. And if you click on one of both (for example: "multiple climax"), you will get a list of videos and photosets having this tag.
The tag cloud shown below is quite preliminary, listing all tags used on JSTM and the count of occurences. For example, you see that on 12 January 2024 (when we took the above screenshot) there were treasure descriptions of 18 videos or photosets with "see through" dresses uploaded, and 20 with masturbation scenes.
In the “Treasure paths” menu, we can build series like "Massage series", "Hairdresser series", "Psychologist series" ..., and build collections like "Beach videos", "Crimea videos", "Back Seat Adventures" ..., and many more.
Treasure series
In the first version of JSTM, the series “Hairdresser”, “Salesgirl”, “Silence”, “Piano lessons”, “TV game test” and "Car rental with driver" are complete, the others only partly filled. As an example, here is the submenu for the “Salesgirl” series:
Treasure collections
The collections are only sparsely filled, we will do more on this in the next months. As an example, here are seven videos or photosets in the "Pantyhose lovers" collection up to now:
Treasure expeditions
The third submenu will be “treasure expeditions”, where we walk through “treasure paths” trying to find specific treasures in Jeny’s archive. It will be a copy of different treasure paths published on X (Twitter), where we followed a skirt, a self-sewed bikini, a special headdress (including hats with wide brims), ... or Jeny as a car driver, Jeny walking in crowded cities … It will take a while, today there are only some parts of the first treasure paths included (and one of the treasure maps, in this case a map following a white skirt Jeny made out of a shoulder cover).
From time to time, we will publish Blogposts here. There will be Blogposts about Jeny, her videos and photosets in general, about Jeny's site, or about this Treasure Map. We will publish a longer "readme" here when we have more Blogposts in a deeper menu structure.
Please be aware, that this site is under construction! It includes (as of today: 06 September 2024) 500 of the 1001 treasures and 242 reviews for these! If we manage to add about 15 treasures a week to this map, it will be complete in early 2025! By this, the "Treasure series" and "Treasure collections" will automatically be filled up and completed.
Hopefully already end of 2024, we will also add features like user registration, comment functions, photo galleries and teaser videos.
Other open issues and future work are:
“Further intro text”: In this first version of JSTM, some of the longer introduction texts in the treasure descriptions are missing, it is a task for the next months to fill this up.
"Treasure hunt": The design of the tag cloud is very preliminary. We will try to improve the tag search in the next months.
"Treasure expeditions": We will start "reporting" about different paths to walk through "Jeny land" and trying to find her more than 1000 treasures. We will try to follow specific themes, specific kinds of treasures, like special skirts, self-made clothes such as bikinis, but also Jeny as a car driver or Jeny walking bottomless in crowded cities. It will take three years to walk through complete Jeny land, if we manage to find six treasures each week.
Despite these "gaps": Have fun using the Jeny Smith Treasure Map to look up forgotten or never seen photosets or videos of Jeny!