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Cross-video/photoset report X1

Lilly was here -
An under cover investigation including interviews
with Jeny’s panties

Lily was here (Candy Dulfer / Dave Stewart, 1989)


Got to get you into my life (The Beatles, 1966)

I was alone, I took a ride, I didn′t know what I would find there
Another road where maybe I could find another kind of mind there
Ooo, then I suddenly see you
Ooo, did I tell you I need you
Every single day of my life

You didn't run, you didn′t lie, you know I wanted just to hold you
And had you gone, you knew in time we'd meet again for I had told you
Ooo, you were meant to be near me
Ooo, and I want you to hear me
Say we'll be together every day
Got to get you into my life


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March 2023: Unhappiness in Jeny’s wardrobe


On the first of March 2023, I heard rumours about some of the “employees” of Jeny Smith being unhappy with their situation and with their boss, Jeny. And this bad mood had not only been restricted to the participation in the videos and photosets, but also in Jeny’s daily life. The employees of Jeny, I heard of, had been Jeny’s panties.

So I tried to get contact to some of the panties, but I wasn’t able to go to Jeny’s new location and try to get access to her wardrobe. But I remembered a way that works quite often: simply watch one of Jeny’s “all-by-myself” adventures, let Jeny pull you into the scene, and if in the scene, you can talk to the panty being in the scene. So the really hard work for me was restricted to the one and only problem: find an all-by-myself video where Jeny either was wearing or at least was carrying a panty in her handbag. But quite fast, I remembered my Top 1 video of 2022, “All by myself”, where Jeny started her trip with the white convertible car wearing a white panty in crochet look. So I watched this video again and tried to get into the scene.


Getting into the scene: The first interview with Emily (All by myself, June 2022)


In this video, I had to wait only for 2:20 minutes, and Jeny get rid of her panty while driving, and she left her panty unnoticed afterwards. So I took my chance, being already in this scene, and took my position behind the driver’s seat. And I began to talk to Jeny’s panty:

A: Hi you, what’s your name?

E: Oh, we have a guest here, welcome! My name is Emily! What’s your name? And what are you doing here?

A: Hi Emily! My name is Andre, and I am writing reviews of Jeny’s videos and photosets, and I heard about a lot of unhappiness in Jeny’s wardrobe, especially among all the panties. So I want to write about this “panty problem” as an undercover investigation!

E: Hi Andre, oh, that’s good! Yes, we panties are quite unsatisfied with our boss Jeny! And it is good if a fan – or a reviewer – will write or talk about this, maybe Jeny will notice us then! But it will be no undercover investigation, Andre. If you are able to meet Jeny’s panties in real life, outside her wardrobe or outside her handbag, you will meet us uncovered, like me here, not covered by pants or longer skirts!

A: So what is your problem?

E: Our problem? You see it here: I’ve been so happy to go out with Jeny today. And I could see daylight, the sun, the surroundings of the streets, because Jeny is lifting her short dress so often – but it lasted for less than 3 minutes, and now I am lying here in the car, not used anymore. And I will bet with you, Jeny will not put me on again until the end of day!

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A: Yes, from watching a lot of Jeny’s videos, I know of the problem! It is hard to find some of you in the videos or photosets!

E: Andre, in most cases, some of us is there, but you cannot see us in the videos, because Jeny is only carrying us in her handbag for some emergency cases where she suddenly has to cover her secrets! You should talk to Lilly, she is a white cotton panty, and Jeny uses this type quite often in her “emergency kit”. We can try to talk to her, we have a chat group on Pantygram, should I call her?

A: That would be great!

(E is calling Lilly and is introducing me.)

L: Hi Andre, nice to meet you. I’m Lilly!

A: Hi Lilly, can you tell me about your experiences with Jeny?

L: Experiences with Jeny? I have more experiences with her handbags or tiny purses! That’s bad, you cannot breath among all these other things she is stuffing in these small bags.

A: Can you give a concrete example?


Lilly, completely unused (The Lair, July 2019)

L: Do you remember “the lair” video, where Jeny is inspecting an abandoned plant in Germany? She was wearing a black top called “don’t forget to be awesome” and a black skirt with a long front zipper. We called the skirt the “Beatles / U2” skirt, because it had “You 2 Fab 4” printed on it. And in this video, after three minutes, Jeny took off her skirt … and then she stuffed it into her small handbag, where I was already waiting for some fresh air … and then an additional skirt in this bag!

A: I remember how Jeny went on this path to the building bottomless! But at least, she folded her skirt quite carefully!

L: But even worse, what happened after 14 minutes when Jeny was strolling through this abandoned building: she took off her top … and stuffed it into her bag, too! This little black handbag! And we all had problems to breathe!

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A: So your problems seem to be restricted to being not used and living in a dark handbag one day long?

L: No, not only, we also have the opposite problem, quite embarrassing situations, where Jeny is wearing us, but then removing us from our normal position between her legs, near her pussy, and she is wearing us like a sweatband around her wrist. You should talk to Blacky, she is our record holder so far, she was used for 13 minutes in a video, in her regular position, I will call her!

(L is introducing me to Blacky)


Blacky: used for 13 minutes, afterwards misused as sweatband (Cologne, July 2019)


B: Hi Andre, nice to meet you!

A: Blacky, can you tell about this “record” being used for 13 minutes in a video?

B: It was the “Cologne” video, and Jeny was a little bit shy first, being in a foreign country and a crowded city, so she was wearing me in the streets and even when she was sunbathing near the river! But after 13 minutes, Jeny was sitting on a bench, took me off, and then wrapped me completely around her wrist! I felt like a sweatband, how embarassing!

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A: But wouldn’t it be more embarassing if Jeny would carry you as a panty, so that all people can see that this panty isn’t in the normal position!

B: If we panties are worn as usual, it is perfect. If our position would be near the knees or near the ankles, it would be so exciting! But being misused as a wristband? I am proud to be a panty and I want to be seen as a panty by all the people around!

L: Yes, I can only agree with Blacky, we panties want to be seen as panties and want to be used as panties, between Jeny’s legs! And no matter, whether near her pussy or near her ankles! It’s exciting to feel her pussy, but that’s normal for us, more exciting for men, and it’s even more exciting to be near her ankles, because this position would attract reactions by all the men around! But I can call Minnie, she is a very tiny panty which had been very visible a long time, but between Jeny’s teeth!

(L is introducing me to Minnie)

Minnie: used for 4 plus 2 plus 5 minutes, in between misused in Jeny’s mouth (His orders II, July 2020)


A: Hi Minnie, nice to see you, even if are nearly invisible, being a skin-coloured, transparent, tiny g-string tanga!

M: But I’ve been extremely visible in this “His Orders II” video, several times used as a panty, that was great! But in between always in Jeny’s mouth, that was not so nice! But in this case, Jeny wasn’t guilty, but Alex, he gave her orders several times to wear me between her teeth. And Jeny had been caught by some guys, with me in her mouth! And these guys stayed with Jeny and talked and looked and talked and looked … I’ve been ashamed!

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A: So, if Jeny had been wearing you as a panty, even without skirt, quite open, so everybody could see you, that would not be a problem?

M: No, that’s very exciting, but okay! As Lilly already mentioned: our favorite position is between her legs! That’s the role of us as panties!

A: Thank you, Minnie! I guess, that’s sufficient for me, I have enough material now …

The end of the Pantygram chat: Lilly’s wishes


L: But Andre, there are so many other stories, I would have to tell: some of us have been nearly eaten up by Jeny’s pussy lips! One time Jeny was wearing me in a club but only because her dress had been too short. And other of our colleagues have been also misused as wristbands! And ..

A: Yes, I believe you! But I guess, the main problem is that in most of the videos and most of the photosets nobody of you can be seen!

L: That’s right! Some of us stay in her wardrobe their whole life! Some of us are only living in her handbags!

A: Okay, what can I do? Shall I find other women, that are regularly wearing panties, so that you can fell used daily, maybe Jeny will sell you and …

E, L, B, M:

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WHAT??? ARE YOU CRAZY??? NO, NO, NO!!! That’s not what we meant! That was not our aim!

L: No, we don’t go to other women! Women maybe wearing thick jeans pants? We will never see daylight? And we had some Pantygram chats with panties of other women, what you see as legs, pussy, butt, is not so nice … and you have to breathe quite stuffy air there! No, we want to stay with Jeny. As you have seen today, visiting Emily in Jeny’s car: Emily had been extremely happy in the first two minutes. She could see the world, could breathe fresh air, that was perfect! But it’s so seldom!

A: Okay, but what can I do then?

L: You are an admirer writing comments on her site, you are a reviewer writing longer reviews. You should write about every use of panties, and how sexy it is to see panties flashing, in addition to bottomless flashing! Maybe Jeny will then rethink our role, at least a bit!

A: Thank you all, I will try to do my best!


July 2023: Everything has changed, a party of the panties


End of June and midth of July 2023, I heard rumours that there had been a big change in the life of Jeny’s panties. And midth of July, I tried to contact them again. Meanwhile, Lilly invited me into her Pantygram chat group. And here is my July update of the March interview:

A: Hi, anybody online in this chat group?

E: *#q*+#~+

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(Loud party)

A: Emily?

E: Yes, I only had to close the door to the wardrobe, it is so loud here!

A: What happened?

E: Jeny’s panties are just having a wild party! The second in the last two weeks! We panties are now featuring some of Jeny’s videos! Wow, the first time in the last eight years!

A: Okay! Can I talk to Lilly?

E: Lilly was here! I have to find her. She is the hero now! And she is the spokesperson now, for our group of panties! Lilly featured the video “A panty game” end of June. Can you believe it? PANTY in the title of one of Jeny’s videos! IN THE TITLE! It happened only once before, and that was negative: “Jeny was hired as a promo girl but she didn’t put on panties”. Otherwise a hundred of times pantyhoses, pants, dresses, skirts. Always “awesome dress”, “see-through skirt”, phhhh! And her twin sister Mary appeared more often in the title than we as Jeny’s own panties! Oh, Lilly had been so jealous of Mary! Now the opposite is the case, we heard that Mary is jealous of Lilly, because of her success with Jeny!!

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A: So that was end of June! And why now this second party today?

E: Jeny used Lilly a second time, in the night, during the “Touch Haunting Game Part 2”! And she is now a hero, because Jeny met a brazen guy, trying to grope her pussy, and Lilly “saved” Jeny from deeper contact with the stranger’s fingers, Lilly is now the hero, staying upright in position between the brazen guy’s hand and her pussy!!

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A: Wow! And that all changed in the last two weeks?

E: No, we had a first success already one day after your first interview of us, not Lilly, but a colleague of us. It was in the “Dr Alex – Jeny realises her fantasy” video, Jeny was wearing one of us panties for 33 minutes, it was a new record!

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A: So now you are celebrating a wild and loud party! And I heard this song already twice? It’s “Blood. Sweat and Tears” with a Beatles song?

E: Yes, maybe let Lilly explain! Lilly is here! See you later!

L: Hi Andre!

A: Hi Lilly, congratulations and deep respect for your success, first! Can you explain, why you are playing this song already twice?

L: It’s “got to get you into my life”! Yes, Jeny had got to get her panties into her life, finally, after eight years! And she suddenly saw us, and noticed that she needed us, for different exciting scenes than only being simply bottomless! A panty seen in public, in a position down at the ankles, is so erotic! Not simple flashing by lifting a skirt! We panties are a visible pointer to what is going on under her skirt, we are saying: look, there is nothing beneath her skirt!! So we hope that we are now in Jeny’s mind, every single day of her life! That’s what this Beatles song is all about! Therefore it’s now our motto song, and the version of Blood, Sweat and Tears is more dynamic!

A: That’s great! So your group of panties in Jeny’s wardrobe is happy since the “Panty’s game” video? Then I can stop my under-cover investigation in Jeny’s wardrobe!

L: Yes, nearly! There was a critical moment directly after the “panties game” video. I should be sold! I was already put into Jeny’s shop on her site! I even hadn’t the time to wash! I was so sad for a few hours! But what Jeny does not know: we panties are ourselves one of the subscribers of Jeny’s site, and our group bought me, so Jeny sold me to the group of all her panties!!!

A: Oh, that’s funny! I’m glad that you are now the spokesperson of all the panties in Jeny’s wardrobe, let’s hope for more successful videos and photosets for one of you in the future. So long, and proceed with your wild party!

L: Thank you and bye bye!


After the interviews


In fact, even after the second interview the situation for Jeny’s panties developed very positive. Panties, among them a self-sewed bikini panty, featured photo shootings, and videos from such shootings. A panty was the only piece of fabric in a massage video, and the victim in this video himself pulled the panty and removed it at the end of the massage test. So we hope that Emily and Lilly and the others are right in assuming that Jeny had got to get her panties into her life, from now on!


The Videos and Photosets mentioned in March 2023 Interview


  • Video 518 “All by myself”, 35:24 minutes, June 2022, All-by-myself adventure, with final masturbation squatting outdoors
  • Video 331 “The Lair”, 47:38 minutes, July 2019, inspecting abandoned buildings naked
  • Video 332 “Cologne”, 31:42 minutes, July 2019, walk with flashings in crowded city
  • Video 396 “His orders II”, 37:54 minutes, July 2020, following his orders standing in park with panty between her teeth
  • Video 519 “Some of mobile shots 2”, 19:39, July 2022, Jeny in a club in a too short dress
  • Photoset 290 “My very short dress”, 141 photos, Panty “eaten” by Jeny’s pussy lips

The Videos mentioned in July 2023 Interview


  • Video 578 “The Panties Game”, 26:51 minutes, June 2023, Jeny rolled the dice (1 to 6) and hat to stand in public with panties down for 1 to 6 minutes, without moving
  • Video 580 “A touch haunting game 2”, 23:04 minutes, July 2023, Jeny challenged members of a forum to look her up at a location in a city, in the dark, being allowed to touch her butt
  • Video 558 “Dr Alex – Jeny Realises her Fantasy”, 70:43 minutes, March 2023, Jeny as a shy girl, in a doctor’s consultation, another tough guy realizing her fantasies touching her, removing clothes, spanking her, and Jeny masturbated close to his eyes


Andre The Scientist

Links to full video "The Panties Game"

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