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Video 298 “A Night in the Shop”

A million miles away – but close to her on her crazy adventure beyond the point of no return


A million miles away (Toto, 1981)

A million miles away and it's killing me inside
There's a stranger in a [cabin] and he's taking her out tonight
The devil's riding on a full moon and he sends his love
When I'm a million miles away

Point of (k)no(w) return (Kansas, 1977)

Today I found a message floating
In the sea from you to me
You wrote that when you could see it
You cried with fear, the point was near
Was it you that said
How long, how long, how long to the point of no return?

A million miles away

It is 22:15, an evening in February 2023, I am sitting on the sofa in my living room. I just found one of Jeny’s classics on her site, an adventure, a video in the category “all-by-herself”. No Alex there, no other helper there. I realize that this video was shot more than 1000 days ago, in February 2019 in the Moscow area, a lot of snow there that day, and Moscow is more than 1000 miles away from my living room. So in fact, taking my own interpretation of the spacetime continuum, Jeny is a million miles away. But it’s killing me inside to hear her crazy plans: she is explaining to me that she will face a YouTube challenge, where people get locked in a store at closing time, most of them got caught by security guys quite early. She plans to visit an older multistore where there is only one security guy at night. She is showing me her equipment: besides cameras a bottle of water and candy bars.

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A little later: Jeny arrives at this old-style shopping mall, passes the cabin of the security guy and goes up to the 4th floor.

Thousand miles away

Jeny is now in some kind of conference room in the shop building, preparing her cameras. She will manage camera and smartphone, tripod and selfie stick, all by herself. She is talking to you via her smartphone. You now feel like this is all happening live right now. You are thousand miles away from Moscow, but can follow her live with her smartphone camera. She is talking to me and is showing her shelter for the next minutes, where she will hide first: A large open compartment behind some shelf walls. A little later, Jeny is hiding in this compartment, with her back towards the entrance door of the conference room. And I am looking to her and to the aisle that leads from the entrance door to these shelves. I am looking at her scared face now, through her smartphone camera. Through her smartphone camera? No!

Half a meter away

I am now sitting directly in front of her, half a meter away, in this larger compartment, waiting for the shops to close. The room lights go out, the security guy is approaching with a pocket lamp. Jeny cannot see him, but I can see him, looking in Jeny’s scared face, too.

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Good luck! The security guy is gone, Jeny is whispering to me in the dark. Jeny switches the flashlight of her smartphone on, you can now see Jeny’s face clearly again, sitting next to her.

Jeny is now preparing for our walk through this shopping center. She is getting naked in the conference room. Naked? No, a thin black belt, black stockings and high heels are her clothing from now on. We are beginning to walk through the corridor next to the conference room. Jeny positions the tripod on the floor in one of the corridor’s corner. Jeny’s face is burning. She tries to open some doors, most of them are closed. I heard some wizard whispering a scary question. The wizard is looking like Mary, Jeny’s twin sister, in a Halloween costume. I said to Jeny: “Was it you that said: How long, how long, how long to the point of no return?” Jeny doesn’t hear me, but I hear this wizard, Mary, suddenly answering …

06:10 minutes to the point of no return

Jeny finds an elevator, but we will not use it, maybe it ends up near the cabin of the security guy. A door to the exit is locked, at least two restrooms are open.

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Then Jeny notices that she forgot to switch on the tripod camera. Up to now, only the smartphone was able to record this adventure.

68 seconds to the point of no return

Jeny is taking tripod and selfie stick. She is planning to go downstairs using the stairwell. The door to the stairwell is closed. But Jeny detects a door buzzer that releases the magnet lock of the door. The door opens and Jeny is happy!

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But me, only half a meter away, am trying to warn her [“Jeny,, be careful ..”]. Jeny is extremely happy, she does not accept any orders from me. Oh, I see, I am not Alex.

From Stairway to Heaven to Highway to Hell within 74 seconds

Jeny is happy! We are now on her Stairway to Heaven, large windows, instead of these narrow, sticky and dark corridors. Snow outside, a street and street lamps outside! I try to say [“Jeny, be careful! When the door will close …]. You can hear the loud clacking of her high heels. I am now shouting instead of talking, but I am completely paralyzed and cannot intervene. [“Jeny, … when the door will close, maybe it will be …”], Jeny closes the door to the stairwell. CLACK! I hear me saying [“… maybe it will be locked!!”] We both are in the stairwell. (And I hear Mary whispering maliciously: POINT OF NO RETURN! The devil's riding on a full moon now!). Jeny is surrounding me with her high heels, showing me the views to the street outside. But Jeny needs some water, she plans to go back to the shelf in the conference room, where clothes and bag are hidden.

But Jeny’s “Stairway to Heaven” turns out to be a “Highway to Hell”: she tries to open the door from the stairwell to the corridor again and it is … locked! 

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Jeny is scared, desperate! (Later, after returning from Jeny’s adventure, I remembered these lyrics: [Now] I found a message floating, in the sea from you to me, you [said] that when you could see it, you cried with fear, the point was near.) We crouch down and have to digest the shock, I look directly into Jeny's desperate face. Jeny is now remembering: there was an elevator! We should try to find this elevator on another floor!

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From fourth to second floor: Oh, Jeny, why not sneakers?

Jeny is planning to find the elevator on the second floor. Jeny walks heavily packed, tripod and selfie stick, otherwise nearly naked, downstairs. CLACK! CLACK! Oh, her high heels are far too loud! Jeny, why did you not chose sneakers? But I guess, her answer would be: “Typical male! No style! Stockings and sneakers? No way”. So we are clacking and clacking to our next dead end of our tour. Meanwhile, Jeny switched off the flashlight of her smartphone.

Dead end security guy cabin

While resting a little, Jeny recognizes that the stairs will end up at the cabin of the security guy. His cabin is brightly lit, we are hiding behind a corner and Jeny is trying to catch a glimpse of this guy sitting in his cabin.

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Jeny is shaking her head! No way to pass this cabin! It’s a dead end here! We plan to go back to the third floor again, going up the stairs.

Inspecting the third floor with trembling hands

We are back on the third floor. Jeny is inspecting the doors, most are closed, again. You can hear Jeny’s trembling hands through the vibrations of her selfie stick. But we do not find an elevator! Jeny plans to use one of the unlocked doors, which leads us to a different stairway, with a little distance to this cabin of the security guy. 

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Jeny tries to open the door to the stairs, it is squeaking and creaking, what an old multistore building! We are going the stairs down to the second floor again, here is no security guy. We are hiding in a restroom first, Jeny’s heart is beating fast. Afterwards, we squat down in a corridor, needing a break, Jeny is exhausted, tired.     

06:20 minutes until getting caught: Jeny is brave again

But after these breaks, Jeny gets her energy and bravery back! We go on, but somebody is approaching at the end of the corridor, Jeny is running back, on high heels, with selfie stick in her hand! Next try: Jeny is now superwoman in stockings and high heels only, she doesn’t care, if she will get caught, maybe it’s the only solution to get back her clothes. Jeny’s cheeky smile is back and she is positioning the tripod in the next corridor.

Jeny is discovering a door, she opens, ohh, a second door behind! Jeny says, that this would be a good shelter, but hide? No way! Jeny is now too brave, almost a little exhilarated. Jeny is walking in the corridor, teasing, shaking her butt. We go back to the tripod, but there is a noise. Jeny and me are jumping behind the first of this double door, but it is not enough space for both of us, the inner door opens, there is an administrator’s office or cabin, brightly lit!!!

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We are immediately hiding behind the opened second door, in a niche of the room. We are standing tummy to tummy, I am now in direct touch to her. She cannot see what is going on, standing with her back to the door and the room. But I am looking at Jeny, the door, the room, and can see how two guys are now talking: one who just came from the corridor, the other one seems to be the administrator working in this cabin. And then the security guy leaves. And the administrator closes the second door. OMG!

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The guy is looking at Jeny. “Sweet girl, what are you doing here?” He doesn’t see me, no wonder, he has only eyes for this beauty in front of him. It seems to be a nice guy with a sympathetic voice. He asks. “Why are you naked?” Jeny explains her challenge.

1000 miles away and a cup of tea

The nice guy is offering her a cup of tea and a jacket to cover, and to warm her up. Ooops, I am now noticing, that I am sitting on the sofa in my living room again, so I am 1000 miles away from Jeny, but now connected to here again via her smartphone on the selfie stick. Jeny is happy again, she is taking off her high heels, she is sitting on the desk chair with her legs drawn up, drinking her tea.

Private Photoshooting

This nice stranger in his cabin will take her out of this building tonight, I am sure! Jeny is thinking the same, offers him a private photoshooting, with high heels again, posing – without jacket! – for him on the chair, on the desk.

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Jeny asks him, what time it is. WHAT? 3 am in the morning? Here on my sofa it is ... 23:30 ... looking at the big wall clock in front of me. And then my eyes wander to the calender, ooh, we have February 2023, not February 2019 such as Jeny now in this multistore. I am not only 1000 miles away but also more than 1000 days away from her, resulting in 1000 times 1000, that is a million miles away!

A million miles away, while he is taking her out tonight

The guy has a key card, going upstairs with Jeny. She is getting her clothes back again. The adventure took a good turn for Jeny. The band Toto was right with their lyrics: There's a stranger in a [cabin] and he's taking her out tonight, and he sends his love, when I'm a million miles away. Now bye bye Jeny, and thank you very much, Jeny, for taking me with you on this crazy adventure beyond the point of no return. And thank you, that I could be in direct touch to you for nearly an hour, only half a meter, a selfie stick length, away – even if you did not accept any orders from me!

Back to Reality

If you are watching one of the many “all-by-herself”- or “all-alone”-videos of Jeny Smith, you will feel her ability to talk with you through her smartphone. So instead of watching a prerecorded video, you feel as it is live, right now! And quite often, Jeny is getting in some difficulties – not as scary as the ones in “A Night in the Shop” – but difficulties where you want to help her, because nobody is there – no Alex and no other helper. And then, if you let yourself go, you suddenly feel to be at her side – with two problems: (1) she does not hear you, all the well-intentioned advice from you sinks into the sea of words somewhere. And (2) you are so paralyzed by looking at this exciting beauty that you cannot intervene to, for example, block a closing door with a stone. And at the end you wake up and are again in another room and another time - but you have had a wonderful experience, in touch to Jeny.

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The data

  • Published: 04. February 2019
  • Length: 1:14:17
  • Rating: 10plus
  • Type: All-by-herself; Adventure
  • Content: Selfie-stick and tripod, naked walk, corridors, stairway, point of no return, crazy double door, caught behind the door; caught by administrator, good guy, private photoshooting


Related videos “All-by-herself”

  • Video 224: All alone (March 2018)
  • Video 467: Madhouse stairs (August 2021)
  • Video 518: All by myself (June 2022)
  • Video 521: Flat tire (July 2022)



Andre The Scientist


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