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Video 521 “Flat Tyre”

Stranded in the dead of the night:
Jeny’s radar love on the hood of her car

Radar Love (Golden Earring, 1973)


I've been drivin' all night, my hands wet on the wheel
There's a voice in my head that drives my heel
[I'm] my baby callin', sayin', "I need you here"
[Because my tyre is flat and I’m standing here]
When [I am] lonely and the longing gets too much
[He] sends [his] comfort coming in from above
Don't need [a new tyre] at all
We've got a thing that's called radar love
We've got a wave in the air
Radar love

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An unplanned all-by-myself adventure


Tonight, it is summer, Jeny is calling me sitting in her car. She had been driving all night through the countryside, her hands are wet on the wheel, and it is already completely dark, but she is now standing besides the street, with a flat tyre. She already called Alex saying to him “I need you here”, but Alex will need some time to be able to get to her. Since I am far away from Jeny, I cannot help her, but try to support her mentally. It is not only dark, where she is stranded, but also in the middle of nowhere, in the woods. Jeny tells me that she has a trunk full of cameras and spotlights so that she can shoot a video here. I am thinking to myself: maybe it’s good that Alex needs a little time to get to her, so that Jeny can shoot one of her famous “all-by-myself” adventure videos. While Jeny is sitting in her car, in the dark, with only some dashboard lights visible, she tells me that she is thinking about how to do it.

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And then Jeny is getting out of her car ..


Jeny is on the street, in her black dress


Jeny is wearing a very short black dress and sneakers. She is inspecting the road, using the light of her smartphone to see whether anyone is coming. From time to time, cars are passing her. She is going a little bit further on this street, she seems to disappear in the dark. Oh Jeny, do not go too far away from your car! It’s scary in the dark, in the woods, in the middle of the night. Luckily, Jeny is coming back and is showing me what’s beneath her dress: as expected, Jeny is wearing no bra, no panties.

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Sounds of the night: Hornets, mosquitos, cats, rustling leaves, creaking branches


Jeny and I are hearing some sounds in the night, in the woods. The sounds of squealing tyres in nearby curves of the road, some horns of cars a little bit farther away, but also some animals in the woods, creaking branches of trees and rustling leaves.

Jeny points her spotlight into the woods, she is squatting in front of her car, talking to me, she is also scared because of the noises. Then she tries to detect what is going on in front of her feet: she is bending over a little to detect which kind of bugs are crawling there. And she detected some big beetles passing her ….

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Starting to play


Jeny has enough of looking around and being scared about beetles and noises, she is now starting to play her game, behind her car at first. She is rubbing her pussy, standing next to the wing of her car. I have an even better view when she is bending over, or – after climbing her car with the help of the left front tyre – sitting on the wing, rubbing her pussy again. Finally she is even getting on the hood of her car, and she is lying back with spread legs – it starts to get exciting for me as a viewer, not because of woods, beetles and traffic noises in the background, but watching Jeny posing on her car.

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Getting rid of her dress


After 20 minutes, Jeny is going one step further. She slowly opens the belt of her dress, and is getting rid of her black dress afterwards. She is now naked, except the sneakers, and is bending over the wing, climbing the car and sitting on the hood again. Suddenly, you hear a car approaching, Jeny is jumping down from the hood, squatting and hiding behind the left wing (you can see it on the first photo on the first page of this review).

After the car passed, it is quiet again. Jeny starts to take her second walk on the street, now being naked. And she is getting naughtier, rubbing her pussy again, standing, afterwards bending over, grabbing her butt, finally even shaking her butt!

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And you always hear this crazy soundtrack, consisting of hornets, mosquitos, sometimes horns of cars in the distance. Quite often, Jeny has to wave with her hands when mosquitos or hornets are approaching her.


When Jeny is lonely, and the longing gets too much


Jeny and I already spent half an hour together, connected by her smartphone streaming this scene to me, sitting at home in a quite comfortable situation. It is not so comfortable for Jeny, stranded in the woods.

And the next car is passing by, Jeny has to hide again behind her car.

Afterwards, Jeny is feeling lonely, she is waiting for Alex to rescue her from this situation. Now the longing gets too much and she is rubbing her pussy again, standing at the side of her car, then bending over the wing. She tries to get onto the hood again, but her sneakers have no grip on her left front tyre. And in this moment, the next car is passing, no Alex, Jeny is hiding again, behind her car.

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But it seems that Alex is sending his comfort, coming in from above! Jeny is positioning her camera directly in front of the car, and she is climbing on the hood again, lying back with spread legs. I am paralyzed watching her, because one of the most exciting masturbation scenes is now starting, at an unusual location in an unusual position. In this moment, Jeny does not need a car to come, she even doesn't need a new tyre at all now, Jeny and Alex now have got a thing that's called radar love.


Radar love with three climaxes

For Jeny and the viewer a night to remember, and in particular these 13 minutes to remember. Jeny starts her masturbation, licking her finger, rubbing her pussy with her finger. From time to time, you see Jeny’s face appearing between her knees. After four minutes, Jeny’s first climax is approaching. Afterwards a short calming down phase is beginning, and Jeny is looking around a little scared, waving with her hands to keep away the mosquitos.

Jeny is now licking two fingers, and two fingers go inside her pussy. Suddenly she stops, because another pussy (cat) is creeping around her car. But quite fast, Jeny’s two fingers go inside again. And now you hear, how wet Jeny’s pussy is, it smacks and squelches when Jeny is moving her fingers back and forth, you can literally hear the “wetness level” with your ears, and you forget about all the traffic noises you hear from some distance. And after five minutes, the second climax is approaching, Jeny’s second hand is helping, and afterwards Jeny is pressing her hand against the pulsing pussy to calm down again.

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But not enough, there is still a wave in the air, and Alex seems to still be sending his comfort coming in from above, so this kind of radar love will start a third time. And meanwhile, her hands are wet not only from the steering wheel of the car, but mainly from her tongue and her pussy.

Jeny is licking two fingers again, and now Jeny is leaning back completely while fingering, you hardly see her face now, her second hand is helping again. Jeny is starting moaning now! Louder and louder, but at the same time smooth, as she already does, and smooth is also meaning “real”, not fake. And while the moaning is getting louder, the smacking and squelching sound, the “sound of wetness”, is also getting louder and louder! After three minutes, you see the first vibrations running through Jeny’s body, the climax is near, and a minute later, you hear Jeny being exhausted, but satisfied! And I, watching this scene, because Jeny called me 45 minutes ago, I am also excited, exhausted, satisfied! But it now turns out that not only humans are exhausted, but also Jeny’s equipment.

Too hot for camera and spotlight … and the hood?


Directly after the third climax, the camera overheated. After the camera started again, you see Jeny hiding again behind her car, because another car is approaching – and luckily passing - with squealing tyres. Now Jeny is thinking about her equipment, and especially about her car! Jeny is in sorrow: was the masturbation action too much for the hood of her car? Jeny is bending over the hood and is carefully checking the sheet metal and the white paint. But then, Jeny’s camera turned off completely, even its battery is now exhausted! Jeny calls me again and I can see her sitting in the car via her smartphone camera!

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Meanwhile, the batteries of the camera and spotlight are dead, and her smartphone is the only tool to keep in contact. She has now been waiting for Alex for an hour, she tried to call him, but his phone was unavailable! And since her phone is nearly dying too, she will take a nap waiting for her rescue!

And at the end of the night, Jeny is calling me again, it’s 4 am, and Jeny is looking completely tired (sic! not tyred!), due to this flat tyre problem last night. Jeny had to wait for quite a long time, and changing the wheel took some additional time. Jeny has a headache now, and will go to bed immediately, so пока-пока Jeny, see you on your next “all-by-myself” adventure, I will try to support you again – for sure!

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The data


Flat Tyre

  • Published: 18. July 2022
  • Length: 47:32
  • Rating: 10 out of 10
  • Type: Outdoor; all-by-myself; Scary adventure
  • Content: Posing in the dark, around her car, on her car; pleasuring herself standing, bending over, on the street or on the car; masturbation with two fingers, lying on the hood of her car; scary noises, animals, passing cars


Andre The Scientist

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