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Video 565 “The Lost Warehouse. Oil”

Where the shadows always frightening and the noises tell her stories: Jeny on mission in a lost warehouse


Jeny’s Madman
(original: Martha’s madman, Manfred Mann’s Earth Band, 1978)

[Jeny] has a madman
Standing hidden in the shadows
He's telling her the world is full of freaks and geeks and simples and
he's hiding like a leprechaun under stones and in the ripples
[Jeny]'s gettin' nervous as she wanders through [this warehouse]
Where the shadows always frightening
And the [noises] tell her stories
But someone threw a stone into it
Which breaks up the [silence] and it's making her nervous and it's true
What can she do?

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Blow up: The Face in the Shadows

In the 1960s, the famous movie “Blow Up” by Michelangelo Antonioni told the story of a young photographer, living in London in the “swinging sixties”. He was specialized in shooting sexy photos of beautiful women. One day, he was shooting photos of a man with a lady, caressing each other in a park. When looking at the photos after developing them from film later, he detected something scary. He developed the photos several times and chose a smaller and smaller section of a bush besides the couple. Hidden there, in the shadows, he discovered a face of a person ... who had pointed his gun at the couple? A crime about to happen? He was scared to death, because he did not detect this when shooting the photos!

The Lost Warehouse: The Face in the Shadows

In recent years, the famous erotic movie series of all-by-herself videos and lost place adventures by Jeny Smith told the story of a beautiful woman strolling through buildings, corridors and stairwells and exploring lost places, taking sexy selfie videos of herself. One day in April 2023, she was shooting a video in a Lost Warehouse, caressing and oiling herself naked on a folding seat. After looking at the raw video material when editing the final video in her office, she detected something scary. Zooming in to a doorframe behind her naked body, she detected shadows appearing and a face of a person … who watched her, not just once? A voyeur? She was scared to death, because she did not detect this when shooting the video!

But this is not the whole truth! Jeny had a supporter in this Lost Warehouse trying to warn her, but she did not pay attention! So here is the full story.

Jeny on mission again

Midth of April 2023, early in the morning. I just got an email from Jeny, a new adventure is waiting for me. After starting the video, Jeny is talking to me. She is standing in front of an abandoned warehouse, some other warehouses around that are still in use. She wants to go inside, and I should come with her and support her. There is no other helper there, it is one of Jeny’s famous “all-by-herself” adventures. But, oops, Jeny, I have to prepare for this, I’m not shaved and … no chance, Jeny says “let’s go”, the adventure is starting immediately! Jeny is wearing a beige jacket, J and S earrings – in the right order! -, black boots, black fingerless gloves, and she is quite packed, one paper bag and her handbag, a folding seat, and a tripod - a stand - for her camera. We are going inside!

The Lost Warehouse. Ground Floor

We are inspecting the ground floor. It almost looks like a garbage dump. Some noises from outside, we are stopping our walking for some seconds.

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Jeny detects a stairwell, it looks dangerous. A lot of graffiti on the walls, no banister on the stairs. Jeny wants to go upstairs. I am beginning to have doubts. “Jeny, with these high heel boots, and then packed as you are with these bags and seat, you could begin to stumble … and I am paralyzed and cannot help you carrying your bags”. But Jeny doesn’t hear me and starts walking upstairs, we are now climbing the stairs side-by-side. Then we are reaching the second floor, a lot of graffitis again, windows without window panes, but a lot of light. Jeny is starting to explore the rooms on this floor. Finally Jeny found some place with good light conditions. She asks me to wait and stand still for a while – I am feeling like a tripod, and cannot move, only watching what Jeny wants to show me.

The Lost Warehouse. Second Floor

Jeny is opening her jacket to show me the rest of her clothes. It is – a black skirt, no top! While I am looking at her beautiful chest, she is lifting her skirt – as expected, no panties beneath. Jeny is looking to the window quite often, a little bit curious what is going on outside the building.
Jeny is not quite satisfied with this floor, gets dressed again, and wants to go up one more floor to put her folding chair there. So we are going to this stairwell again, it is getting higher and higher. Oh Jeny, are you dizzy-free? I’m not. These stairs without banister makes me shiver.

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We are now reaching the third floor and Jeny detects an old lift shaft, without lift, only a deep and empty shaft now. Jeny and I are looking into this shaft, oh Jeny, do not stumble now! And while I am getting dizzy again, Jeny is happy because she has detected this shaft!

The Lost Warehouse. Third Floor

Jeny is happy on this floor, she seems to have reached her final destination today. Jeny likes the light conditions here a lot. And again, she is positioning me in the room, I should stand still now for a while. She is unfolding her seat and positioning it in front of me. She opens her jacket and pulls off her skirt. But then, she notices some noise in the stairwell. She tells me to go with her to the stairwell on the other side of the building. I want to complain that she should be more careful … I hear her saying “Shhhh! Be quiet!” Okay, I’ll try to follow her orders!

Jeny is now looking into the stairwell. There is nothing to see. We are going back – but suddenly a stone is falling from the ceiling! Oh Jeny, this adventure is making me nervous! This building is full of freaks and geeks and there is somebody hiding like a leprechaun under these stones and in the ripples of these naked walls! And now someone threw a stone into the room to break up the silence again! Even Jeny's gettin' nervous as she wanders through this warehouse! She is hearing noises from birds, noises when her boots step onto the leaves lying on the concrete floor, noises when her boots hit something metallic that is on the floor, and the noises tell her scary stories.

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But Jeny becomes brave again within a minute. She is getting rid off her jacket, I am taking a walk with her, through this room, having beautiful close-up views of her chest, of her butt! Then Jeny is posing naked in the door frame and in one of the windows without window pane. What a great show, especially for me! That is my reward for being a volunteer to help her on this adventure! Jeny is posing in the door frame in different positions, full frontal, waving her hair, butt view from behind, even bending over or going into the stairwell to look down the stairs. And Jeny is even lifting one leg on the window sill or is leaning out of the window. But afterwards, she has an even more crazy idea: she wants to go downstairs, in the stairwell we used first, besides this lift shaft.

Walking downstairs and sprinting upstairs

So we are walking down the stairs again, Jeny completely naked, but taking the more comfortable position near the wall. We are going side-by-side, so I am having the position near the banist … oh, I forgot, there is no banister! I am getting dizzy again and have to be careful to watch my steps!

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Being at the ground floor again, Jeny is looking outside the building and is immediately running back. Oh, Jeny, you are driving me nuts? What happened? Jeny is not walking, she is sprinting upstairs, with high heel boots, otherwise naked, on stairs without banister! I am shouting now “Jeny, don’t run so fast! You could stumble and then fall down into this shaft!” But Jeny is reaching the third floor again, totally out of breath (me too!), but completely happy!

Jeny is now positioning me and her folding seat again. She unpacks her bags: a roll of paper towels, a bottle of oil. Now I guess, what she has in mind as her special action: she wants to oil herself. She is just wearing these fingerless gloves to warm her hands a bit .. but for oiling, she has to take them off …

The Lost Warehouse. Oiling

Jeny’s fingers are cold, she is rubbing her hands together to warm them up. But there are again noises behind her, Jeny is looking behind her, to her left, then there are other noises, Jeny is looking to her right … at least I am getting nervous again … I see the these freaks and geeks again hiding like leprechauns under stones and in the ripples of the walls and the ceiling!

Then a very loud noise in front of the building! Something big must have fallen down on a concrete floor. And then suddenly … OMG! … a man standing in the door frame to the second stairwell! He is looking at Jeny, Jeny comes to me, she even bends down to me, and I am whispering to her “... a stranger watching you, behind you ...” but Jeny doesn’t hear me ... and suddenly the stranger is gone.

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Jeny is starting to oil herself sitting on the folding seat, but frequently looking behind her… to the left, to the right … it’s a nervous, scary mood with us. By the way, it is extremely strange that I am looking to this door frame more than looking to such a one in a million beauty sitting directly in front of me ... naked ... oiling herself … I know, I am now Jeny’s madman.

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Meanwhile, Jeny is standing and oiling her back, her beautiful butt … and I am nervously watching the doorframe …

And then again, I see shadows on the floor, in the doorframe, I am not the only madman here … Jeny has a madman standing hidden in the door frame, in the shadows … I am shouting “Jeny, a voyeur is watching you from behind” … but Jeny is oiling herself and doesn’t pay attention.

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And now I even see his head again … the black graffiti painting is covered by a head of a man for some seconds ... I’m thinking he’s not a freak, not a geek, but quite a simple, he should come and talk to Jeny, that would be less nerve wrecking than to watch somebody spying … And then, his head has gone again … but the shadow on the floor is still there!

Oh, this lost building here, where the shadows always frightening and noises tell us stories about leprechauns hidden under the stones.

Even Jeny is now extremely nervous and scared and stops her oiling! She has goosebumps on her skin, I can see because she took me by her hand and showed it to me quite close …

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Jeny wants to leave ... but she is completely oiled ... so she begins to rub the oil off and uses paper towel after paper towel …

Leaving in a hurry

Jeny hears footsteps from the floor, she now bursts into a flurry, she pulls up her skirt, she puts on her jacket, packs her bags. I'm torn: I'll be mad if I stay here, but I would have loved to see what Jeny was up to do after the oiling!

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Now I’m walking with her again. Suddenly a really loud noise from outside!! We are near the stairwell where these freaks have been casting their shadows. Nobody there now! Jeny is looking into the stairwell.

Jeny is thinking about a way to go out, but we hear noises again!

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And the noises tell her stories. It's making her nervous and it's true. What can she do? How to get out of here? And then there is another man approaching in the stairwell that should be the escape route. Jeny is hiding behind a pillar, but I can see the man coming. Will he detect us?

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Luckily, the “third madman” left the room immediately. Jeny is going to the stairwell again, she detects a car, the driver brings something to this empty warehouse, and Jeny hopes that he will leave the location afterwards. I’m complaining, what if the two men in the shadows will inform the others being outside? Jeny takes her decision. She does not need such a nervous wreck like me as a supporter, so she is shrinking me to leprechaun height and packs me into her paper bag. So I am completely blind now and wonder: How does she get out?

Being scared in Jeny’s car

A few minutes later: Luckily, Jeny took me out of her bag again and I expanded to normal height, sitting now besides her in Jeny’s convertible car. Jeny, how did you get out? Jeny says, that many people have been around at the exit of the warehouse, wondering about a woman on high heel boots coming out of an abandoned building. Jeny even had to jump off a high loading ramp without stairs. Jeny admits, that the oiling did not went as planned, because she was too much scared.

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Jeny, it was scary as hell for you? But you did not see any of these shadows, of these freaks and geeks hiding behind the walls? Throwing the stone into our floor? Making all those scary noises? Oh Jeny, wait until you are at home … and you and Alex are editing this video material! Then you will be really frightened and scared to death … such as the young photographer in Antonionis “Blow Up” movie – you have to only “blow up” the video stills, zooming in and in and in onto this door frame …

The data

  • Published: 20. April 2023
  • Length: 45:16 minutes
  • Rating: 10 out of 10
  • Type: Lost Place; All-by-myself Adventure
  • Content: All-by-myself, Camera on tripod, Lost place, Stairwell, Body Oiling; Black skirt, black fingerless gloves, high heel boots, running upstairs on stairs without banister; Strangers are watching Jeny, she did not notice


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  • Video 112: New Garage (Oiling), 20:30 minutes, August 2016



Andre The Scientist

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