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Review for video “Sexologist. The 1 Episode.”


Tags: sexologist; Published: 20 November 2020


Running time: 26 minutes 30 seconds.


I'm currently reviewing the psychologist series of Jeny's videos along with my colleagues and I hope you find them useful. Just some background information on Jeny and psychology. Jeny has been a psychology student at a university in Moscow and occasionally does some research on sexuality and especially the effect it can have on men when put in stressful situations.

The scenario has 3 people, Jeny and 2 men who are strangers sitting in a class room. Jeny is wearing a black jacket over a short sleeved polo neck white jumper with a black leather skirt which incorporates a short lacy over skirt, black lace topped stockings and black stilettos. She, as always, looks immaculate. Sitting opposite her are the 2 men who look like a couple of bank robbers, because they are both wearing balaclavas so only their eyes are showing (the reason for the balaclavas will become apparent later in the experiment).

Photo 1

Photo 2

So the task begins. Jeny invites the first gangster........oops, sorry.........the first man who I will identify as Mr Red, to come up to the table and list 20 reasons why he can't see ladies naked. It doesn't seem to be an issue for him as he writes out his reasons!

Meanwhile, Jeny is chatting to Mr Blue about his drive in whilst she lifts the hem of her skirt up. His trip in was easy, no problems finding the place, free car parking etc to which Mr Red chips in that his trip was dreadful, difficult to find, no free parking etc etc.

Photo 3

Photo 4

At this stage and if this had been an interview for a get away driver there's only one guy in the running! Mr Red has by now finished his list and the pair swap places. All appears normal as Jeny goes for a stroll around the room and stops behind Mr Red and whilst asking him further questions pulls her skirt up revealing her stocking tops and pantieless pussy.

Photo 5

Mr Red is oblivious to this as Jeny continues to pull her skirt up so that her beautiful bottom is now visible. Rearranging her skirt so that everything appears normal, Jeny walks back to the desk.

Photo 6

Jeny then surprises both men by asking them each to come up with 2 reasons why they should see her naked? First to reply is Mr Red, he says 'because you are beautiful '. Thanks, Jeny replies ' and a second?' He thinks for a few moments 'because I'm a man and you're a woman!' 'It's primal!'.

Jeny turns to Mr Blue 'are you ready?'  Yes he replies. His 2 reasons are 'the naked sexologist is my fetish ' 'and you as a sexologist are attractive to me'

I thought neither man could come up with a compelling case but then I put myself in their shoes and wondered if I could do better given the time!

Jeny, standing now at the head of the class, tells them that one of them will be in an uncomfortable position, he will close his eyes and continue and the other man will have open eyes. Mr Blue is the one Jeny chooses to be blind and so he turns the balaclava around and is therefore unsighted.

The fun begins!!

Mr Blue's task now is to rely on his other senses to understand what Jeny is doing whilst Mr Red's is to sit quietly and enjoy what he (and we!) are going to see!

The object of the following sequence is to fool Mr Blue into thinking that Jeny has played a trick on him and she is clothed the entire time, but we know differently don't we!

Jeny casually undŕesses until she stands before us naked but for her stockings and ankle boots. All the time, she covers the sounds of undressing by talking to Mr Blue about what he imagines she is doing (for example, when Jeny takes her jumper off, he thinks she is brushing her hair).

Photo 7

Photo 8

Soon Jeny is up to her teasing best as we can see Mr Red smirking through his mask, all thoughts of his troublesome journey in now forgotten! Jeny now snaps her stocking top which Mr Blue takes to be her jacket. Meanwhile Jeny has climbed on to the table and is asking him loaded questions. He is at a loss, especially when she is rubbing her naked body against him! Mr Blue's task gets harder as he correctly guesses that Jeny's bare breasts are being rubbed against his arm.

Photo 9

Jeny is quick to mislead him by telling him that she is hardly going to strip naked in a busy part of the university. He is clearly unaware of Jeny's fetishs!

Jeny then involves Mr Red by asking him if he would like to tell Mr Blue what is happening. In a rare act of compassion he says he feels solidarity with Mr Blue but before he can confirm that Jeny is naked, she tells him that he should wait before saying anything and not wishing to stop what for him is a great experience, he agrees.

There follows a series of interactions between all 3 of them which is designed to confuse Mr Blue even further…

Photo 10

Photo 10

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Photo 13

…..until Jeny dresses and tells him he can remove the balaclava and clearly disappointed, he finds Jeny fully dressed. She tells him that he has been fantasising that she was naked and was making all the sounds and sensations fit that mental picture. She asks Mr Red if she was naked and he replies tĥat the whole thing seemed like a dream and with that statement Jeny thanks both of them for taking part in her experiment!

There is a post script which shows the compassionate side of Jeny, so enjoy all of the video and until the next time our paths cross  .....poka, poka.


Heather See (waspie123)



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