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Review for video “The Canyon”


Tags: canyon; Published: 7 September 2017


Running time: 32 minutes 05 seconds


The story begins in somewhat happier times with Jeny on holiday in Crimea before the Ukrainian Russian War but after Russia’s annexation of Crimea.

We are greeted by Jeny who is wearing a short white wrap (barely covering her wonderful bottom) a black belt and black trainers. She has not long finished breakfast on the terrace where she tells us she was joined by a humming bird of a type no bigger than a butterfly and as her adventures continues, is becoming a fairytale and I like to think of the humming bird as 'Tinker Bell' (from Peter Pan, please bare with me as I think this video has a lot of magical moments in it!)

Photo 1

Jeny motions us to follow her as she walks away to the car in a sun drenched scene. As she drives to the canyon (a well-known landmark) she tells us that here in the south the natives are used to people not wearing much and won't take any notice of what Jeny is wearing today!

As we drive ever nearer to the canyon the road becomes narrower and the potholes ever larger until after one particular deep hole, Jeny parks and says to us that her butt pillows need a rest! She suggests that they take some photos -

They are now in the forest and standing next to a stream Jeny tells us of a myth about the water and its magical powers, that an elderly couple were in the forest and the wife fell in to a pool and when she emerged she was young and beautiful again (much like Jeny is today!)

Jeny pauses by the stream and plays with the hem of her robe giving us brief glimpses of her beautiful bare butt. She points out a tree that looks straight out of some mythical forest and as if it reached out with its gnarled branches would remove Jeny's belt and robe to turn her into a naked wood nymph!

Photo 2

Walking further into the forest, Jeny finds a smooth bench to lie on and displays her gorgeous bare body and for the first time we get to see her fabulous and completely hairless pussy in all its glory.

Photo 3

Jeny is perfection personified!! and here she is in the Garden of Eden.

Now back fully dressed (as if that robe covers a lot!!) Jeny stops for a rest and teases us whilst bending forward.

Photo 4

Back on the trail and she tells us that she thought it would be cooler in the forest but in fact there's a warm breeze and luckily her outfit allows her to stay cool and in a moment her belt is removed and her fabulous body is on show again.

Photo 5

This time Jeny leans down to scoop up handfuls of water to rub it over her breasts and her nipples become even harder, her pussy gets a handful of water too although I doubt that does anything to cool that part of her anatomy down!

Photo 6

Then Jeny finds a relatively deep pool of water to jump into and from being a wood nymph she becomes a water nymph. Her scream when she jumps in would not be out of place in a Vampire film!

Photo 7

She lets the sun dry her gorgeous frame and then it's back on the trail again.

Photo 8

Jeny briefly covers up as they encounter an alchemist selling his potion of what sounds like a cocktail of liquid wasps (okay so I made that part up as it sounded more mythical than a guy selling a sugary drink that attracted wasps!).

Climbing now theÿ come across a young guy repairing a bench and during the conversation Jeny persuades the chap to allow her to cross the canyon naked, I doubt it took a lot of arm wrestling! And soon Jeny is being wrapped up in harnesses.

Jeny knows what she looks like now so the straps must look like as she has worn Mymokondo (Google them) in a number of videos and makes a mental note to send the guy some of those as well.

The conversation is as follows!

Jeny: do you know there are familiar sexy outfits called straps?

Guy: for extreme sex games?

Jeny: no not at all, people wear them as accessories now!

They may be worn under the clothes.

We even have a clip where I stroll in high heels, straps and a huge beautiful hat

Guy ;what is that video?

Jeny: that is what we call erotica!

 Photo 9 blur 

Photo 10 blur

Jeny wants to look fabulous so she gets the guy to make sure the safety straps are equal.they even rope in Alex and the guy pulls the elasticated straps back and lets go which Jeny approves of!

Photo 11 blur

Jeny steps out on to the rope bridge and walks naked across the chasm, needless to say she looks fabulous and it looks like a scene from Indiana Jones!

Photo 12

She is shaking because of her fear of heights but because she was naked it helped her get over it! She promises to send the video to the guy as he hands over his details.

Then back to the trail for one last dip in the stream. There's children about so I like to think the child catcher (from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang) comes and takes them away leaving a Truly Scrumptious Jeny to test out the deep water pool.

Photo 13

Photo 14

There's no difference in Jeny's appearance .. ... well how can you improve on perfection! Thus ends our Magical Mystery Tour. Poka poka


Heather See (waspie 123)




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