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Review for video “Yes”


Tags: (None); Published: 15 September 2016


This is a video from the Jeny’s archives. The start shows a busy road with traffic on it. Across the road, Jeny comes into view around a corner. She is wearing a vivid blue dress and blue high heels. The screen flashes up a message saying “hidden cam”. With Jeny is a man on a bicycle whose face is obscured by a funny face emoji. He looks like Alex but why would his face be obscured and if it is Alex, who is the cameraman? We never find out the answers to those questions.

Jeny looks so cute and sexy. She wears her luscious hair in a pony tail with the fringe partially falling over her right eye. So, what is going to happen? Jeny pauses at the kerb, waiting to cross the busy road. The man/Alex mounts the bicycle ready to ride. Two male pedestrians start to cross the road in front of Jeny. She starts to cross and the man/Alex rides in front of her.

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Without warning the dress is pulled off Jeny! Wow! She is now naked (except for her heels) in the middle of the road. She looks so incredibly sexy running naked across the road chasing after her dress which has somehow got pulled off by the bicycle.

On the kerbside, the man/Alex waits for her as Jeny collects the dress and together with some difficulty and in broad daylight Jeny covers herself with the dress. It is fixed back in place.

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It is clearer now that this is going to be a prank type video along the lines of Candid Camera, for those of us old enough to remember that TV show! (Later when reading the comments Jeny confirms she has adapted the dress by putting in velcro strips at strategic places so it can be pulled from her body by a wire attached to the handlebars of the bicycle).

The remaining scenes in the video are shot in different places all in broad daylight in public, either on busy roads or footpaths. Jeny is so daring in allowing the dress to be pulled off of her gorgeous body. It is so erotic to see her naked in public.

After the dress comes off, on each occasion it takes some minutes for Jeny to have the dress reassembled  so she can wear it properly. There are therefore plently of chances for the public to have a good look at this beautiful lady’s naked body, but largely they ignore what is going on.

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However the end scene shows Jeny on the pavement at a major road intersection. The camera pans around and we see there are at least a few dozen spectators, largely tourists. Jeny is poised to repeat the trick and once again the dress is pulled off her. This time plently of people notice her nakedness and many take the chance to take pictures and videos of this wonderful lady naked in all her glory!

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My favourite scene is around the 4:45 mark. Jeny is on a busy cycle path and on the second attempt the dress is pulled of her and she has to run a short distance to catch up with her dress. Her breasts jiggle and wobble so sexily whilst she runs!

Jeny commented that the shooting that day had to be cut short due to bad weather. They were not able to repeat it due to a bad summer. Unfortunatley due to the current restrictions that Jeny and Alex have to comply with, it is not likely that this type of video can ever be repeated. So, this short video needs to be cherished for how daring it was. It is only 7 minutes and 1 second. But it is one that makes me smile every time I see it. Jeny was so, so daring doing all this in public. You can see from her many smiles that she really enjoyed the excitement of it and as her members know, she really loves being naked in public.




Link to the video:

press button 3
