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TE1, TP1 Treasure T3 detected: Photoset “A dream”, Outdoor, Paradise Island, pro photographer, 69 photos, September 2018

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We are following Jeny’s self-made skirt that she had been wearing in the video “In the city”, One year before being used as a skirt in Cologne, this piece of fabric had an appearance in a photo shooting in Paradise Island. In this photo shooting, Jeny had been completely in white. What a white ... toga, she is wearing! And remember: this fabric was born as a shoulder cover, used as a toga in 2018, and reworked as a skirt in 2019! Jeny is very talented in designing and producing her own clothes. In the teaser photos, you see the white toga ..

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The Paradise Island photoset is called “A dream”. Jeny was lucky to have worked with a famous local photographer, so it was her dream. But maybe the famous photographer himself was lucky to have worked with such a one in a million beauty like Jeny. In the teaser photos below, you see, that not only her naked body is outstanding, but also a face close-up of her smiling to someone standing to the left of the photographer … it should be Alex.

But this was not the last appearance of Jeny’s see-through shoulder cover – skirt – toga … there will be a micro review for a video called “Like a Dream” here soon, where we can see the toga “in action”!

Treasure hunter and expedition leader:

Andre The Scientist (ATS)

Link to the photoset:

Link to next treasure:

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