The craziest party Jeny attended was this crowded New Year’s party. Jeny went to it, only dressed with a Santa hat, white over-knee boots, and … two layers of Christmas tinsel. To pass the face control at the entrrance, Jeny hid her boobs with a denim jacket. But when dancing later, Jeny removed the jacket, removed the lower layer of the tinsel --- Jeny had been the attraction of the party, had to do selfie after selfie …
… she was even caught by a security guy … who only asked if all is okay with Jeny, if she is feeling comfortable … finally Jeny danced on stage, close to the DJ, with the tinsel first, then at the end completely naked … What a party, and you can follow Jeny for half an hour in this video! (ATS)
Jeny said: “We hid our camera in the beginning but noticed a lot of people with big photo cameras around and went shooting open. Very relaxed atmosphere and security was awesome!”