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Jeny as a good fairy, taking our negative emotions away

Jeny in a very emotional and touching Christmas message at the end of 2022, maybe the most complicated year in her life. But Jeny tried to be a fairy for us viewers, taking all the negative emotions away from us. And she did this not only in this message, but also in every video and photoset she publishes, being a very positive person, a wonderful personality having a gorgeous body … and - most important – having so beautiful shades of smiles that she can enchant us with it – really, Jeny is a good fairy for us …

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… closing her Merry Christmas message with smiles, hearts, and kisses for her fans! By the way: her “snowflake” costume with this false fur coat, white winter boots and white “ushanka” hat (with these ear-covering flaps) has a wonderful appearance in the corresponding photoset “Santa helper 3”, see “Corresponding media” above! (ATS)

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