This music video was recorded and edited for YouTube, in this SFW version. Jeny teased us with a 90 seconds long music video with her singing her own song “Sokko” … and she left her panties (and her top) on (!) for 90 seconds to not trigger the YouTube censors … but the non-nude version of “Sokko” was only visible on YouTube for less than an hour … the censors got too much excited seeing our non-nude Jeny!!
A month later, Jeny published the long (6 minutes) uncensored version of this music video on her site. Okay, this uncensored version would have led to heart palpilations among these Alphabet censors after 92 seconds and finally to their circulatory collapse after the panties-stripping scene and the final poses on the lounger bending over or lying with spread legs … But it’s good that there are no Alphabet censors on Jeny’s site but only Jeny admirers, so her subscribers have the pleasure to watch Jeny for uncensored 6 minutes! Please follow the link in the “Related media” section above! (ATS)