This photoset (60 photos) is a travel back in time, more than 11 years ago, it was published in September 2012 – it was a time when Jeny and Alex did photo shootings but didn’t have a video camera. Jeny is posing on a bench in a park, or on a large parking lot. In both cases she is wearing her “walking around” outfit, black boots, black leather jacket, otherwise only tie and hat ...
... In the following collage and in the three-photo-collage above (the signature image of this treasure description), you can see Jeny on a bridge and a footpath in a park, and she is getting rid of her jacket at the end if this set. Yes, and subscribers have the additional pleasure with many spread-legs shots on a bench or in a car! Have fun with very young Jeny! (ATS)
Here is a collage of this photoset: (JJR)