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"Thoughts of the Day" about Jeny


Starting with Jeny's birthday in 2024, we added some thoughts about her to the Treasure Map. In the week of her birthday, the thoughts appeared in every submenu of this website, directly on top of the pages. And after that, it is planned to show different of these similar to the portrait photos in the right sidebar, on every page of the site. A big thank you goes to Ka Stan, a long time supporter and subscriber of Jeny's site ...

... because he had the idea for these "postcards" with thoughts, collected thoughts and photos for this from other supporters and subscribers, made a slideshow out of it, and gave us the opportunity to present these "postcards" here! Thank you so much, Ka Stan, for your work, and thanks also for all of Jeny's supporters sending Ka Stan their thoughts and suitable photos! And last but not least: happy birthday, Jeny! And thank you for being this beautiful woman inspiring us to have hundreds of thoughts when seeing your photos and videos! (ATS)
