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Jeny on an offroad Jeep trip, here bathing in cold water in front of a waterfall

Jeny and Alex rented a car, an UAZ Jeep, with driver, to make an off road trip in the Sochi area. Jeny served as a tourist guide through this half-an-hour nature movie. At the beginning, Jeny is dressed with pink skirt and top, without panties. She is strolling through the woods, got naked in front of a waterfall …

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… and took a bath in the cold water, curiously watched by some other tourists around. After that, she was a co-driver of the UAZ, standing naked in front of the backseat most of the time. At one spot, there was a pond with some blue “healing” mud, good for a smooth skin, and Jeny covered her body with this blue mud, and even bathed in this blue pond.

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Afterwards, she wiped the mud away bathing in a nearby river.

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Then she went back to the UAZ, and learned how to drive this Jeep. Jeny as a (naked) car driver made her regular driver, now sitting on the codriver’s seat,  so happy!

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At the end, Jeny walked around naked, climbing down from the highest hill around Sochi. Have fun with your friendly and smiling nudist tour guide Jeny, you cannot imagine a more beautiful one! (ATS)

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